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More about categories and items

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Changing menu pictures: 

You may change or add an image of a category or item by hovering over the image field, and the change/add option will be revealed, like this:

More about categories and items 1

Extra options for categories: 

More about categories and items 2

Hovering over a category will reveal extra Options,  as well as a Delete and Edit buttons. Opening the options will allow the following actions:

– Duplicate the category: will add a category with the same name and (copy) added to the name, at the end of the menu. This includes all the items, but without pictures

– Hide from menu: will hide the respective category from the menu so that food clients cannot see it

– Hide until…: will hide the category from the menu until a date chosen by the restaurant

– Show only from: will allow the restaurant to select certain days of the week and hours when the category should be visible in the menu (e.g. for Breakfast or Lunch special menu)

Extra options for menu items: 

In a similar manner, hovering over an item will reveal Options, Delete and Edit buttons. The options for items include all of the above actions plus some other:

More about categories and items 3

– Mark item as:  you can add an icon to the item name, that would suggest that the respective item is Hot, Vegan, Halal, Vegetarian, or Gluten free.

– Taxation categories: as the restaurant may define several taxation categories per food type (e.g. some tax for food and a different tax for drinks), the restaurant may choose the tax that should be applied to the item.

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