Online food Ordering system
& Table ordering

For Restaurants, Pubs,  Takeaways, Cafe’s, Shops & More

unlimited orders with ZERO monthly commissions

The cheaper food delivery app alternative to just eat, deliveroo, Uber Eats, takeaway genie, Food Hub etc
easily add to any website. Now with contactless, at table ordering.

[video_popup url="" img="/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/uber-burgers-mockup-with-play-button.png"]

Turn your website visitors into regular customers

Our online food ordering systems will help you transform your website into a money-making machine.

Use our autopilot selling addon to market your deals and promotions to existing customers with ZERO EFFORT.

Power your business with our free restaurant online ordering system & you’ll never have to worry about fees or commissions.

Add our online food ordering system to your website or Facebook page

If you have an existing website, we can easily integrate our online food ordering and table booking buttons. If you don’t have a website, no problem, we can help with that too.

We even cater for those customers who almost never leave Facebook.

Simply add the “See MENU & Order” button to your Facebook page and your customers will be able to easily place food orders, while your page will become more interactive than ever.

[video_popup url="" img="/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Red-button-medium-Hover.png" auto="1"]
real time order confirmation

Accept online food orders on any mobile device + contactless at table ordering.

Get all your restaurant’s online orders in one place with the simple order taking app that you install on your mobile device.

Our online food ordering app is easy to use and provides top of the range functionality.

When an order is placed from your website, Facebook or mobile app or from tables in your restaurant, you get it instantly pushed to your Android or iOS device where you can accept or decline the order.

You can use your existing mobile device or purchase a dedicated POS terminal.

[video_popup url=”” img=”/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Red-button-medium-Hover.png” auto=”1″ title=”See it in action”]

Real Time Order Confirmation

When a customer places an order through our online food ordering system, it is immediately pushed through to your order taking device, you can then accept or decline the order and confirm the pickup or delivery.

The response and delivery/pickup time is then decided by you and sent back to the customer. If you do not accept or decline the order within 3 minutes, it is cancelled automatically and the customer can try again.

No busy phone lines, language barriers or misheard orders. 
Just you, your clients and a clean & intuitive interface that serves both parties.

Online Food Ordering system for restaurants, pubs, cafe's etc 1
real time order confirmation

Contactless At Table Ordering.

Easily provide contactless at table ordering for all your customers. Just place our ready made flyers on your tables, ready for customers to scan the QR code and place orders with their mobile phone.

Adhere to government guidelines for social distancing, keeping your customers safe.

Keep your customers happy with faster service, no more waiting for staff to take their orders.

[dsm_text_divider header=”FEATURES” _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_text_divider]

Click the down arrows ↓ for more details.

[chiac_divi_accordions chiac_mode="single" _builder_version="4.9.4" custom_margin="|auto||auto|false|true" global_colors_info="{}"][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="At Table Ordering" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#f15b36" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.9.4" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]Easily provide contactless at table ordering for all your customers. Just place our ready made flyers on your tables, ready for customers to scan the QR code

Learn More...[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Autopilot Selling" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#2e282a" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_margin="|||20px|false|false" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px|0px|true|false" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_color_o="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(255,255,255,0.13)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.7.7" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" background_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

Run Your Email & SMS Marketing on Autopilot, make money with zero effort, while focusing on other aspects of your business.

Learn More...[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Online Payments" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#76b041" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.7.7" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

Take online payments for pre-orders, table bookings, food delivery and collections.

Taking your payments in advance avoids issues with prank orders or customers not turning up.

[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Food Pre-Ordering" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#f15b36" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.7.7" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

Give customers the VIP treatment and improve productivity by allowing customers to pre-order their food before they arrive.

Customers will love the fact that they do not have to wait for staff to take their orders and then wait for their food to be cooked.

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[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Table Reservation" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#2e282a" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_color_o="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(255,255,255,0.13)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.4.0" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

Get more bookings FAST by placing the “Table Reservation” button at the top of your homepage or facebook page.

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[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Real-Time Reporting" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#76b041" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.4.0" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]See what promotions work best and where you can improve everything directly from the visual reporting module.

Learn More...[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Missed Order Alerts" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#f15b36" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="3.22.4" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

If you miss an online order due to being too busy or loss of Internet connection, the system can be set you call you with an alert so that you can call the customer back.


[chiac_divi_accordions chiac_mode="single" _builder_version="4.14.4" hover_enabled="0" global_colors_info="{}" sticky_enabled="0"][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Restaurant Promotions" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#f15b36" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.4.0" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

Includes a built-in restaurant promotion module so you can create incentives for new or returning customers.

Learn More...[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Multiple Delivery Zones" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#2e282a" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(255,255,255,0.13)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.9.1" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

Create multiple delivery zones on the map, each with their own delivery times, minimum order settings and delivery charges.

This allows you to create a delivery zone with free delivery (e.g. within 1 mile), and other zones where you may wish charge a delivery fee or have a higher minimum order.

You can also decide whether or not you wish to receive orders that fall outside these zones, which you can choose accept or decline. This allows you to handle orders which may be only just outside your delivery zone.

[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Food Ordering App" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#76b041" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.7.7" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

A free food ordering app is available for your customers to order via their mobile devices.

play store button appstore button

We also offer a branded mobile app

[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Website Generator" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#f15b36" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.9.1" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

Don't have a website yet? No problem, we have several solutions you can use.

Our instant website generator will automatically create a simple sales optimized website template to get up and running instantly with no hassle.

Need something more flexible?? We also offer a website builder for those customers who want more creative control.

Or alternately we also offer custom WordPress website designs using either our Food Booking system or RestroPress.

[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Offline Payment Options" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#2e282a" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(255,255,255,0.13)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.9.1" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

In addition to the online payment options, you may also specify your offline payment options for pickup, order ahead and delivery.

These are the payment options you offer to customers directly, not through our platform.

Offline Payment options: Cash, credit/debit card, payment to the delivery driver, payment in the restaurant, request a callback to pay by card.

If you want to accept payments online, this is available as an optional paid addon.

[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="First Time Order Promo" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#76b041" chiac_header_padding="0px||" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.0.3" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}"]

We have a special "first time order" Kickstarter promotion.

This allows you to offer a ONE-TIME promo deal or discount to all customers on their first order.

This is also a great way entice your customers away from using Just Eat or Deliveroo and thus saving you on commissions.

[/chiac_divi_accordions_item][chiac_divi_accordions_item title="Google My Business sync" chiac_subtitle_state="off" chiac_header_bg_color="#f15b36" chiac_title_bg_color_o="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_icon_or_image="image" chiac_left_image="" chiac_l_image_width="48px" chiac_l_icon_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" chiac_l_icon_padding="10px||10px||true" chiac_state="off" chiac_r_icon_rotate="on" chiac_r_icon_color="#ffffff" chiac_r_icon_bg_color="rgba(46,40,42,0.7)" chiac_r_icon_padding="25px||25px||true" _builder_version="4.14.4" chiac_title_level="h3" chiac_title_font="||||||||" chiac_title_text_color="#ffffff" custom_margin="||10px" hover_enabled="0" border_color_all_chiac_header="rgba(0,0,0,0)" border_color_all_chiac_l_icon="rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_colors_info="{}" alt="Restaurant Delivery Zones" title_text="google-my-business" sticky_enabled="0"]

When a restaurant makes a modification within the restaurant admin panel to their name, contact details, address, opening hours, etc the Google Business listing will also be automatically updated. The updates will be pushed to Google every day at 12 pm UTC time.

In addition to this, when a restaurant sets up an exception time frame within the system, it will also be added to the Google Business listing.


website generator

Website Builder

Build your own website with our easy to use drag and drop website  builder. Get your online food ordering up and running the same day.

website code

Add to existing Website

Our online food ordering system code can be added to almost any website.

Works with other popular site builders like Wix, Webflow, Site123 & Squarespace.

website design


Need something else? No problem, we can design a custom website for you and integrate with other 3rd party solutions such as table agent or Restropress.


Try out our online food ordering system for free. No commitment, no setup fee.

If you are a loyal customer of one of our member-restaurants, download the food ordering app below

play store button appstore button

Customer Feedback

You have really helped with my pizza delivery business.

I now have many customers that I must close early many times as I run out of pizza dough.

Thank you so much. 

Carmine Sozio

Owner, Mamma Mia Pizzeria

Very easy to use and setup. We thought the launch of our online order system was going to be complex, but we had the whole thing up and running within 1 week .

I would highly recommend food booking.

Mark Smythe

Owner, The Grill House

As a new startup with no budget, Food booking really helped us to grow and bring in new customers quickly with the online ordering system and reasonably priced website design.

Considerably cheaper than other quotes we have received too. 

Mariana Hanson

Owner, Cookies and Co

Reviews From Facebook

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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I use Food booking with Just eat or Deliveroo

Yes, you can run Food Booking alongside any other online ordering system. We recommend you put Food booking exclusively on your website and encourage your customers to use this since it is zero commission and saves you money.

How much do you charge

The basic system is free to use and we charge ZERO commission on all orders.
We do however have paid plans and various optional paid addons.
Please check the pricing page for more details.

Do I need a website to use Food booking?

Yes, you need a website to place the ordering widget on.
If you do not currently have a website then we do offer various options, including a free website builder that is included with the pro plan.

Do you provide delivery

Food booking provides the solutions for taking online food ordering, contractless table ordering and table booking. You would need to take care of the delivery yourself.